Sunday, January 9, 2011

Can You Be Abstinent?

Could you be abstinent or is unrealistic?  Over the past few months we’ve heard about the Bristol Palin campaign on abstinence.  Christine O’Donnell said during her campaign that she did not believe in masturbation.  We are human can do many things, but would it be a stretch if you had to be abstinent or quick masturbating?  So people say they do it with no problem.  Do you believe them?  

Even our own education system will not pick up abstinence only classes. Recently states like NY, NJ, CA, CT and RI rejected all funding to teach an abstinence only class to students. Studies have shown that teaching the abstinence only did not prevent teen pregnancies. Many people feel that teaching abstinence unrealistic.   It is really your discretion.

When you learn abstinence only, you will miss out on learning sexual reproduction, venereal disease, pregnancy, and birth control too.

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