Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Traditional Medicines vs. Alternative Herbs - - Yahoo! Buzz

Traditional Medicines vs. Alternative Herbs - - Yahoo! Buzz

Sharron Angle Defends her Past Statements

Sharron Angle has no regards about her reckless language during the last election.  Sharron called for “Second Amendment remedies” as a possible solution “when our government becomes tyrannical.”  

Since the Saturday AZ shooting Sharron Angle’s remarks are back in the spotlight.  Angle released a statement condemning “all acts of violence,” but conveniently dismissing her past words as dangerous.  She said "The despicable act in Tucson is a horrifying and senseless tragedy, and should be condemned as a single act of violence, by a single unstable individual."

Recently Sharron Angle and Sarah Palin have faced heavy criticism for words that many feel incite violence.  Sharron also said "Expanding the context of the attack to blame and to infringe upon the people's Constitutional liberties is both dangerous and ignorant," she said. "The irresponsible assignment of blame to me, Sarah Palin or the Tea Party movement by commentators and elected officials puts all who gather to redress grievances in danger."

President and First Lady attend AZ Memorial Service for the Victims

President Obama and the First Lady will be attending a memorial service for the victims of the AZ shooting sometime today.  

He is expect to speak at the service which will be held at the University of Arizona at 6:00pm local time.  This service will be open for the public to attend.  

Congresswoman Giffords is making great progress and her doctors are pleased that there is not additional swelling of the brain.  She remains in critical condition but the doctors feel that her prognosis is positive. Flags remain are half-staff around AZ and Washington, DC.

Funeral services will be held for Christina Taylor Green, the 9 year old girl that was killed on Thursday, January 13, 2011.

News Corner: Can You Be Astinent?

News Corner: Can You Be Astinent?: "Could you be abstinent or is unrealistic? Over the past few months we’ve heard about the Bristol Palin campaign on abstinence. &nbs..."

Reports of Thundersnow in Southern New England

Parts of Southern New England and Massachusetts have reported some thundersnow activities during the recent snow storm.  Living in NJ I have experienced these episode of thundersnow with lightning strikes too.  

South New England is currently being hit with heavy snow, power outages andseveral reports of thunder and lightning strikes.  The more inland you are the snow is a more light, fluffier texture.  The snow is currently falling at an 1” to 3” per hour.  

It is a steady snow fall at this time.  The snow is expected to move out some time this evening.  The area should expect from 12 to 18 inches of snow around Boston, Metro West and Central Massachusetts.  

There are high wind warnings around Cape Cod and Nantucket.  Winds are reaching speeds up to 60 miles per hour. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Homemade Sweet Tea

This is a great drink year round.  Enjoy!

  • 1-1/2 pinches baking powder
  • 3 cups boiling water
  • 9 tea bags
  • 1 cup and 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 9 cups cool water
  • Sprinkle a pinch of baking powder into a 64-ounce, heat-proof, glass pitcher. Pour in boiling water, and add tea bags. Cover, and allow steeping for 15 minutes.
  • Remove tea bags, and discard; stir in sugar until dissolved. Pour in cool water, then refrigerate until cold.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Can You Be Abstinent?

Could you be abstinent or is unrealistic?  Over the past few months we’ve heard about the Bristol Palin campaign on abstinence.  Christine O’Donnell said during her campaign that she did not believe in masturbation.  We are human can do many things, but would it be a stretch if you had to be abstinent or quick masturbating?  So people say they do it with no problem.  Do you believe them?  

Even our own education system will not pick up abstinence only classes. Recently states like NY, NJ, CA, CT and RI rejected all funding to teach an abstinence only class to students. Studies have shown that teaching the abstinence only did not prevent teen pregnancies. Many people feel that teaching abstinence unrealistic.   It is really your discretion.

When you learn abstinence only, you will miss out on learning sexual reproduction, venereal disease, pregnancy, and birth control too.