Saturday, January 22, 2011

Keith Olbermann, Count Down Complete

Keith Olbermann’s announcement to leave MSNBC shocked many of his loyal viewers.  He told the audience during Friday’s show that he was signing off.  

MSNBC and Keith Olbermann came to a mutual decision not to renew his contract with the station.  Whatever the real reason for Olbermann departure, it will probably not be revealed any time soon.  In fact, last night the station was still running Keith Olbermann promos for the Count Down show.

No one knows if the recent suspension had anything to do with this sudden termination of the show.  He was suspended due to making donations to democratic candidates.  Maybe it was a recent merger of the with Comcast?  Who knows?  

The channel lineup will be The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell  at 8:00pm, The Ed Show at 10:00pm and Rachel Maddow  as 9:00pm will remain in the same time slot.

Last night, Keith Olbermann thanked his audience for their support before signing off.  Somehow,  I believe this is not the last of Keith Olbermann.  He will be popping up somewhere else in the media.  I wish Keith Olbermann well and he will be missed by many.

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