Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Egyptian Unrest Continues

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is calling for President Hosni Mubarak to step aside.  The unrest in Egypt continues for the 13th day.  The people are demanding that the president leave immediately.  Thirty years in office really is too long in any democracy.  

Albright feels it is time for a new era in Egypt.  Although the crowd is much smaller today, the feeling among the people is still the same in Cairo.  How long will Mubarak hold out?  He is still determined to stay as President of Egypt.  

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for Egypt to continue to allow peaceful protests and freedom of the press to report from the streets.  Egypt is facing many problems with unemployment, poverty, inflation and class warfare.  The Egyptian people are saying that the Mubarak administration has failed for the last ten years.  Conditions there are getting worst for the poor.  The White House is still very tight lipped about any negotiations in removing President Mubarak and bringing in a transitional government.

The people are vowing to continue the fight as long as Mubarak remains in power.  They want Mubarak gone from the presidency and Egypt.  They will not back down until this happens. 

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