Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Rumor Mill is Flying about Steve Jobs

The rumor is Steve jobs only have weeks left to live.   We all of heard about his recently cancer and liver fight over the years, but Steve never really disclose much about his illness.  

He really has been through a lot with a liver transplant and fighting off cancer of the pancreas which have a very low survival rate.  We all saw the changes in his appearance over the last few years.  Steve looked pale, thin and looked sick despite the fact that he tried to go on as CEO of Apple Inc.

We really don’t know what is happening with Steve Jobs.  He has the right to keep his illness private.  My own father died from cancer of the pancreas more than two years ago.  I wish Steve Jobs well and hope that he know the public is behind him.  No one will ever forget how he put Apple on the map and it is deeply appreciated.

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