Friday, March 11, 2011

Gadhafi A Real Monster Dictator

This dictator is literally annihilating his own people. They are simply looking for a better way of life without the rule of a 40 year dictator. The band aid is off and people now know that dictatorships do not work. The longer they stay in office, the more oppressive men like Gadhafi are to the people.

Although it is great to see the Libya people fighting for their freedom, it is sad to see them getting massacred on a regular basis. Gadhafi is using pro regime forces, the army and attacking the people with airstrikes in order to silence their voices. The sad part is because he has the powerful weapons; Gadhafi may actually win this one.

Moammar Gadhafi already said he would ignore any no-fly zone imposed by the US and other countries. The man is clearly unstable and has many unsettling issues. He told his people to love him or die. Gadhafi will fight them to the last bullet.

If you protest in Libya, you will be met with violence. What can the Libyan people do at this point? They will have to continue the fight and hopeful Moammar Gadhafi will be arrested for crimes against humanity. My heart is with the Libya people, but I know this battle is far from over.

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