Thursday, April 21, 2011

EBay: How to Deal with Unfair Negative Feedback

If a customer leaves unfair feedback, can the seller dispute it with eBay?  The seller must first try to resolve the dispute with the buyer. After you have made every effort to resolve the negative feedback with the buyer, contact eBay.  You will need a feedback revision form.

The seller has the right to request a revised feedback comment from the buyer.  If a buyer posts an unsatisfactory feedback and the seller corrected the problem, a feedback revision should be requested.  EBay allows 5 feedback revisions for every 1000 comments over a 12 month period. Sellers with high earnings can submit more than 5 feedback revisions.

EBay permit 1 feedback revision for each transaction.  You cannot carry the request over from year to year.   Suspended eBay accounts cannot request a feedback revision.  The feedback must be less than 30 days old. You must try to resolve this unfair feedback with the buyer prior to contacting eBay.

You can access the Request Feedback revision page from the Feedback forum or the feedback profile.  You will see a list of available reasons for why you are requesting a feedback revision,  choose all that applies. You will see the number of times you can submit a feedback revision request located at the top right corner of the page.  State the reason why you want the buyer to make changes to the feedback.  Type in a summary up to 500 characters in the request.  Click the send button once you are done.  A confirmation notice will be sent to your email account. The buyer will also receive a copy of the request by email.  They will be able to view the summary you wrote on the feedback request form.

The buyer will be allotted ten days to respond to the feedback revision request.  The buyer will review it and either decide to make revision, or reject the request by submitting their own explanation.  What if the buyer does not respond to your request?  If there is no response from the customer in 7 days, a reminder will be sent to them by email.  If ten days have passed and the buyer still did not respond, the seller will receive an email when the feedback request has expired. The seller will not be permitted to submit another request.  EBay will make the final decision and send it to you by email.

Some buyers will try to demand make transactions outside of the eBay website, if the seller does not comply, they will leave negative feedback.  This is called feedback extortion.  If you are threatened with negative feedback from a buyer, report it immediately to eBay customer service.  Give full details of what led up to the incident with the buyer.  You do have rights as a seller.

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